FAQ - Baseline Workplace

On this page, we have compiled the most common questions about Baseline Workplace. You are of course always welcome to contact us at info@mening.dk if you do not find the answer to your question below.

Please note that your company may have selected some other settings on Baseline Workplace than the FAQ below describes.

 Danish version

Baseline Workplace

Baseline Workplace is a concept to help companies work more efficiently in Microsoft 365. No code, just configuration. 

Baseline Workplace is a scalable configuration of Microsoft 365 that brings togehter companies' work with documents in the cloud. 

Baseline Workplace is based on the use of SharePoint Online, Teams and OneDrive. 

Baseline Workplace consists of 1 home page and 5 department pages, to which we (among other things) migrate informaton and documents. 

Microsoft allows you to synchronize your files, documents and libraries on your local computer with a digital online cloud. This ensures that your documents do not disappear, and at the same time you always have the opportunity to access your documents from your devices.

Set up the synchronization:

  1. In the Windows notification area, select the blue OneDrive cloud icon 
  2. Select Help & Settings and then Settings.
  3. Select Settings and then Save space and download files as you use them.

Set up the synchronization for your library:

  1. In your browser, on your SharePoint site, navigate to the library of files you want to sync with.
  2. Select the Sync icon in the toolbar
  3. Sign into OneDrive with your MS 365 account to start syncing your files and finish OneDrive setup.

Just as you can synchronize your files, documents or libraries, you also have the ability to stop this synchronization. It is possible to stop the entire synchronization or simply select a folder or library.

Stop synchronization completely:

  1. Click on the OneDrive icon at the top or bottom of your computer 
  2. Select Help & Settings and then Settings.
  3. Select the Account.
  4. Click on the Stop syncing option.

Stop synchronizing folder or library:

  1. Go to the folder or library that you want to stop synchronize.
  2. Click on the synchronize option 
  3. Click Stop syncing.
  4. Click Yes to agree to permanently stop syncing the folder, and then click OK. You can of course enable the synchronization again. 

With Microsoft services, you can interact across platforms. It allows you to send an email from Outlook to a person, group or channel on teams.

Send an e-mail from Outlook to Teams:

  1. While viewing an email in the Outlook desktop app, select Share to Teams located in the toolbar ribbon.
  2. In Outlook on the web (and the new Outlook for Mac), select More actions and choose Share to Teams.
  3. Choose the person, group, or channel that you want to share your email within this step. You can do this by either searching or selecting from the set of suggestions.
  4. If you like, you can add a message to introduce your e-mail or communicate any extra information. You can use @mentions like with any other Teams message to get the right peoples’ attention. 

Bonus info:
If the email has any attachments, these are automatically included when you send the email to Teams. If you prefer not to include the attachments, you can remove them before sending to Teams.

Microsoft OneDrive is an online platform to storage of your files. OneDrive and OneDrive for Business make up the personal file storage and sharing tool in Microsoft and Office 365. Your OneDrive is effectively a one-off SharePoint library, but with stricter permissions and a different logo. OneDrive is also the name of the sync tool used to keep and access SharePoint and OneDrive files on your computer or mobile device, including for offline use. 

Microsoft SharePoint is a cloud-based platform that helps companies share and manage content, knowledge, and applications. SharePoint is used to strengthen teamwork, information retrieval, knowledge sharing and to facilitate easier collaboration across the organization. 

Microsoft Teams is a collaborative platform that helps companies with organization and communication - all in one place. The platform offers various options, such as teams, meetings, calls, activities etc. 

With Microsoft services, it is possible to access its documents on the various platforms. If your documents are set to sync, this means that the changes you make to the documents are stored in the digital cloud so that the document is constantly updated in the latest version.

Find your documents in OneDrive:

  1. Click on the OneDrive icon at the top or bottom of your computer 
  2. Click Open folder. 
  3. Now you can search for or choose the document you want.

Bonus info:
You can also access your files via OneDrive in file explorer if you have synchronized your document library. 

Two ways to find your documents in SharePoint:

  1. The easiest way to search for documents in SharePoint is to use the search bar at the top of your site. It is important to notice that by default, searching in the top bar is searching the site only. If you would like to search in all content, select the All tab on the search results page.
  2. Or go to your SharePoint site and then select the library where the documents are located and search. 

Bonus info:
You will only see content that you have access to. 

The Microsoft Teams platform allows you to create teams. A team is a single place for a team to share messages, tools or files. Teams can be organized by group, project or whatever else is relevant to you. Typically, only internals have access to the teams, but with Teams it is also possible to invite externals to a team as a guest.

How to add guests to a team in Teams:

  1. Go to the team you want to share with externals.
  2. Select More options and then Add member.
  3. Enter the guest's email address. Anyone with a business or consumer e-mail account, such as Outlook, Gmail, or others can join your team as a guest.
  4. If you want to add your guest's name, first select Edit guest information and type their name. Be sure to take the time to do this now or you’ll need the help of an IT admin to do it later.
  5. Select and click Add. Guests will receive a welcome e-mail invitation that includes some information about joining Teams. 

It is possible to create folders to store files and documents across the Microsoft platforms. A folder gives you the possibility to collect your documents by projects, topics or whatever is needed to optimize your work. 

Create a folder:

  1. Go to the teams channel in Teams or open the OneDrive or SharePoint library.
  2. Click the New+ button and then select Folder. 
  3. Type a name for the folder. 
  4. Select Create.

Bonus info:
If the Create Folder option is not available, it is disabled in the document library settings. 

Microsoft services gives you the opportunity to upload a file or folder from your computer to the digital cloud. This feature is an easy way to share your files or folders with your colleagues online.

How to upload a file or folder:

  1. Go to the team channel in Teams or open the OneDrive or SharePoint library.
  2. Click the Upload button and then select Files or Folder. 
  3. Select the file or folder you want to upload. 
  4. Click Upload.

Bonus info:
You can also upload files or folders by drag-n-drop from your desktop. 

With Microsoft services it is possible to share the files and documents you store on either Teams, SharePoint or OneDrive. The files and documents can be shared with colleagues and externals, depending on the rights granted by your organization.

How to upload a file or folder:

  1. Go to the team channel in Teams or open the OneDrive or SharePoint library.
  2. Select the file or document you want to share. 
  3. Select the More options button. 
  4. Select Share or Copy link. If you click Copy link you can add the link to a chat or e-mail. 
  5. Select an option to share your file: Add the names of people you wish to share your file with. If you want, quickly adjust the editing permissions by selecting the pencil icon on the right. Then type a message and select Send.

Did you not find an answer to your question?

We are always ready to help you.

Contact your regular service provider either by email or phone.
Alternatively, you are welcome to write an email to info@mening.dk.